Monday, 11 June 2018

Make Use of Different Type of Bimetallic Barrel for Efficient Energy Transfer

In today’s world, everything that we use goes with the modern technology. With that, the processing of plastics has also been turned into modern with fillers and fibres which requires modern machine equipment. In the process of modern plasticisation, it is taken into thoughts through the development of wear-resistant systems up to date technology.

At Omega Machinery, we offer the best barrel for your machinery which is very useful for the injection molding, extrusion and molding machinery. The Bimetallic Barrel is coated with an alloy (through spin casting) with the perfect finish surfacing. 

Our Bimetallic Barrel Manufacturing Process Involves

It starts with the steel tube and it is filled with the powdered metal and will be closed at the ends. It is then allowed to heat in the furnace or will be sent through the high-temperature device. Which then melts the powdered metal contained in it and after that this metallic melt will be evenly distributed by rotating it. Then the Bimetallic Barrel is allowed to cool under controlled conditions and will then send to the further processing. 

Features of the Bimetallic Barrel

It has an amazing design that well suits the industrial application. You can do the industrial operation with it without making any hassle. It helps to improve the barrel life. It also helps to bring the effective energy transfer and efficient performance in the industrial application. 

Advantage of Bimetallic Barrel

  •  Lower wear resulting in higher process stability

  • Combination of wear and corrosion resistance

  • Based on the processed plastics, the correct wear protection system is chosen.

  • Omega Machinery is offering various bimetallic inlays against all types of wear includes,

  • Abrasion (A110)

  • Corrosion (C242)

  • Combined wear of corrosion and abrasion (AC333)

We offer this product with high quality and reliable service. People can buy this product with the effective price with our site both in online or offline mode. In our website, people can look at a number of varieties of the Bimetallic Barrel with the different price tag. The main reason for the difference in the price tag is that because we use a different type of raw material for each and individual barrel. If you want you also verify the price on another site for your satisfaction.

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